Wherever I Stand on the Earth

At this season of the year, when we celebrate the point of the darkest time and the time of the returning light, I share about women and the earth. In

Why We Share

We share, because we are one. These are the words I heard as I awoke one morning. I had recently returned from a gathering of twenty women who came together

Waiting and Holding

I learned a lesson from the salvia plant in my garden. I was sitting on a stump with my granddaughter, beside this lovely bush with tiny purple flowers, watching a

An Undiscovered Landscape

I am deeply familiar with the beautiful side of devotion. What has been unfamiliar to me is the fierce side. One night, I experienced this other side of devotion in

There is a Way

In a dream I ask,“How can humanity endure the suffering that is taking place in the world? A teacher tells me, “There is a way, I believe, to relate to

Let It Be

The story of a woman runs deep like an underground river. Sometimes we catch a glimpse of it. Other times, it runs so deep that it lies forgotten – its

To Have and to Hold

A friend wrote to me of a woman’s love song to the earth. It touched my heart because I know it is true. It is a deep listening to the earth’s

Returning Home

Over time, through dreams and images, I began to understand how a woman’s life is connected to the whole. In our Western culture we are conditioned to feel separate and

The Song of the Sacred

A woman asks before going to sleep one night, “How can I help the earth?” She feels a sadness in her life. The next morning as she awakens, she hears these words that come from her depths: A song for the earth of joy.What does this mean? How can a woman live this song?I am reminded of a story that was written in the eighth century about Caedmon.

The Eyes of Mary

In our depths there is wisdom. I was told in a dream that we need to study the depths so that we can truly be of service to life.How do we do this, in our lives? How can we become more aware of seeing the depths where the healing comes from, where change can happen?