Returning Home

Over time, through dreams and images, I began to understand how a woman’s life is connected to the whole. In our Western culture we are conditioned to feel separate and

The Hidden Invitation

I was chastened by a dream I had several years ago. In the dream I was told: There is ecological devastation, but worse is to think that we are not

The Sacred Coming Alive

What I know is that during difficult times, we are taken to the very edge of what is familiar. If we are true to the experience, that is, if we

Deep in the Heart

There is a woman who has come to our group meetings at the shelter for several months. But last week she sat on the grass in the parking lot. “I

How Women Give and Receive

As custodians of life, our families, our communities, the earth, we know the awe of responsibility. But how do we listen to the real need – both in ourselves and

The Song of the Sacred

A woman asks before going to sleep one night, “How can I help the earth?” She feels a sadness in her life. The next morning as she awakens, she hears these words that come from her depths: A song for the earth of joy.What does this mean? How can a woman live this song?I am reminded of a story that was written in the eighth century about Caedmon.

The Eyes of Mary

In our depths there is wisdom. I was told in a dream that we need to study the depths so that we can truly be of service to life.How do we do this, in our lives? How can we become more aware of seeing the depths where the healing comes from, where change can happen? 

The Heart Knows

What is so private, so inner, is the heart, where our prayers come from, our tears. Where mercy, compassion and love are born. Once I saw a seed in the night, in a dream. It was a seed of compassion. I have been thinking about the heart and the wisdom that lives within.

Holding Life in our Heart

Wisdom speaks to us, when we can listen deeply. Sometimes it comes through a dream.Here is a story about a friend who works in a public school kitchen making meals for young children. She works side by side with women who tell her their stories. Often she listens to tales of hardship and suffering.

The Power of Stillness

I had been thinking about prayer, about stillness. How, in everyday life, we need the power that comes from finding this quality.O Beloved, how do you wish me to be? What is the attitude needed, at this moment?