The Way of Prayer


In a dream a woman tells me how important it is that we pray each day, and that this way of being helps the children. She impressed upon the need to do this now. That there’s not much time. This dream came like an echo of words I had heard in an interview with a medicine woman from the Andes. She spoke about the power of prayer, encouraging women to pray before every endeavor.

And perhaps there is no more precious time to do this, than in the mornings, before our day gets busy and filled with all that we have to do.

When the household is still quiet in the early morning, and when the birds, at least here, begin their dawn song – this is a time I give to the silence. Sitting like this, I listen. Sometimes I hear migrating geese, or rain, or the hum of a particular car as it moves down a gravel road at the same time each day. And then my attention turns inward, to prayer, and then, deeper still, to a place in the heart where there are no words. This half an hour is so valuable, for ourselves and for those around us.

My sense is that this half hour nourishes us throughout the day, and keeps us connected to the Earth and daily life. It helps us stay attuned to this river of inner silence throughout the day.

I think women need to understand that it’s not a ‘you should do this every day’ kind of masculine discipline, but more of a ‘try this every morning, and see what happens.’ See if it affects your day in any way, see where it takes you, stay curious.

One day, when I awoke with a deep sense of sorrow, I simply closed my eyes while sitting, and did not push it away. I was just aware of this sorrow in my heart. And then, I must have gone into a deeper state, because suddenly there came a subtle image, so fleeting that I barely caught it with my awareness – a river of pearls.

One can’t interpret such an image. It speaks its own language. But it’s amazing how this river has the power to uplift and shine its natural beauty into life.

The Way of Prayer
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Patti Pitcher
1 year ago

Beautiful Anne

1 year ago
Reply to  Patti Pitcher

Lovely to hear from you Patti!