Our natural way

  I know many women who are trying to understand a fresh way of being in life, of how we become conscious of the feminine, of the sacred that is a natural way. I think about this deep, dark place in women that is our natural capacity to be receptive to love. I remember a woman being told in a dream, "Women have forgotten their capacity."

Once there was a girl…

  I have been reflecting on this greening, so beautifully expressed in many of the dreams that women shared on the last blog. They have to do with honoring the sacredness of life – and how we weave this thread of light and love into our everyday world.

Benedictas Veritas

This woodblock print that you see here, Benedictas Veritas, carries the essence of what this blog is about. For the green expresses what I understand as a woman’s sacred relationship to life and to the divine.I once had a dream in which I see a vibrant, healing green stream that runs through women from head to toe. I am told that women need to find and recognize it in themselves, so that it can flow out into life. 

Our new blog…

Welcome! My name is Anne. A few weeks ago I saw an image of this blog page in a dream. On the left of the page was a profile of a pregnant woman. I knew that I had to hold the intention for this blog, and not fill it with my ideas about what it’s supposed to be.